
Results: 126
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
Expérience d’autrui et érotisme chez Henry et Sartre
Grégori Jean
Dec 20, 2016
Afin d’introduire notre propos, nous souhaiterons d’abord insister sur deux desavancées herméneutiques fondamentales qu’ont à nos yeux rendues possibles letravail mené depuis 2010 au Fonds Michel Henry de l’université de...
Impacts of Risks Over Benefits in the Adoption of Self-Tracking Technologies
Self-tracking (ST) technologies offer an unlimited number of opportunities to improve human life, especially health and well-being. Many scholars have been interested in this technology because of its worldwide spread but have...
Published by: IGI Global
Quelques designations de l'arum tachete (Arum macula/urn L.) dans les dialectes gallo-romans et daco-roumains
La motivation sémantique, source de la création lexicale, est une réalité qui a été mise en évidence dans de nombreuses études, partant sur le lexique lui-meme (voir l'Atlas Linguarum Europae ALE, l'Atlas Linguistique Roman...
The Implications of Schelling’s Metaphysics of Contingency for Phenomenology
Kyla Bruff
Aug 29, 2018
In Ecstasy of Reason, Jean-François Courtine states that F.W.J. Schelling’s late, “positive philosophy” is “not a sublime ground of being as a whole, but the contrary itself of a ground, the attempt of a phenomenology of … the...
Analyse comparative de la montée du populisme aux États-Unis et en Europe.
Alexis Heros
Sep 11, 2018
Les dernières années au sein de la société occidentale furent marquées par de multiples instabilités politiques sous la forme d’un concept : le populisme. Dans cette recherche, nous analysons les causes de la montée du populisme...
Suffering and Ipseity in Michel Henry
The double expansion that Husserl’s phenomenology imposed on subjectiveexperience posed, among other difficulties, a new and particularly difficultproblem for Husserl; that of the trans-temporal identity of the...
On the system of numeration in Efik
Eyo O. Mensah
Oct 05, 2013
This paper is a response to Olderroge 1984 that Efik does not have a system of number beyond one thousand, since according to the claim, the word for thousand in Efik is tosin, a recent borrowing from English and assimilated...
Hybrid Bacteria Foraging Algorithm With PSO and DE Algorithm for Optimal Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Pitchaimanickam Bose
Jan 01, 2022
Network lifetime and energy constraint are the main issues for the application of wireless sensor networks. Sensor nodes spend more energy in the communication process and affect the network lifetime. Clustering is the technique...
Published by: IGI Global
The Gift of Drugs
Mohammed Hamdan
Dec 14, 2022
This article argues that Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater subverts the colonial representation of foreign places by providing a counter geographical narrative of English imperialism. De Quincey’s...
A Hybrid Differential Evolution and Harmony Search for Optimal Power Flow With FACTS Devices
This paper proposes a hybrid differential evolution (DE) and harmony search (HS) for solving optimal power flow (OPF) problem with FACTS devices including static Var compensator (SVC), thyristor-controlled series compensation...
Published by: IGI Global
The emergence of the makerspace movement offers tremendous potential to transform learning. Learning by making, while ancient in practice, has evolved due to the development and confluence of developments in computing...
Published by: IGI Global
C4 gene induction during de-etiolation evolved through changes in cis to allow integration with ancestral C3 gene regulatory networks.
C4 photosynthesis has evolved by repurposing enzymes found in C3 plants. Compared with the ancestral C3 state, accumulation of C4 cycle proteins is enhanced. We used de-etiolation of C4 Gynandropsis gynandra and C3 Arabidopsis...
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The Dynamics of Electronic Supply Chains and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Jean Essila
Jan 01, 2018
Businesses around the world experience many challenges to acquire raw materials, parts, subassemblies, and the other necessary inputs to their production systems. As businesses are all moving into the e-commerce platform to gain...
Published by: IGI Global
Methods XII, the Twelfth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology,was held at the Universite de Moncton in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada,from I to 5 August 2005, The event was hosted by the Centre de recherche...
La Grammaire au Service de la Galanterie? Analyse de Les « Vous » et les « Tu » de Voltaire
In his epistle Les "Vous" et les "Tu", Voltaire calls his sweetheart "tu" and"valls" alternately. He could use the familiar address when she was youngand unambitious, but now that she has become a rich and distant lady...
L’intériorité pathique des mots
Cesare Del Mastro
Dec 20, 2016
Si la phénoménologie de Michel Henry renvoie l’humain à son ancrage dans la vieauto-affective, comment aborder dans un tel cadre philosophique deux des traitspropres au vivant humain, à savoir le langage et la création...
Review of Richard Kearney and Brian Treanor (eds.), Carnal Hermeneutics, New York
Carnal Hermeneutics is a collection of essays published in 2015 in the “Perspectives in Continental Philosophy” series by Fordham University Press. The contributors fall into two categories: established French philosophers...
Lurk or De-Lurk?
Ali Abdelkader
Jan 01, 2022
Drawing on three theories; uses and gratification, social identity, and reasoned action, this study investigates the moderating role of type of participation and the sport fanaticism between brand community identification (BCI)...
Published by: IGI Global
While Michel Henry is, in the words of Jean Leclercq, “l’un des plus grandspenseurs français du XXème siècle,” his philosophical contributions remained,throughout his career, anomalous or eccentric, in the etymological sense of...
Functional Collaboration
James Duffy
Nov 12, 2022
James Duffy received his Ph.D. from Fordham University. Currently he teaches English as a second language at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. He is also coordinating a series of ongoing...
Shona metaphors created during the Zimbabwe crisis
Shona is a Southern Bantu language that is spoken by about 75% of Zimbabweans. This article discusses the nature of metaphors that were created by Shona speakers in speaking of the Zimbabwean political and socio-economic crisis....
Oct 05, 2013
Dans cet article, nous discutons de l’interaction apprenant-tâche-dictionnaire à l’ordinateur. Nous faisons un survol de la littérature en lexicographie pédagogique dédiée...
One Wild and Precious Life
James Duffy
Mar 16, 2022
James Duffy received his Ph.D. from Fordham University. Currently he teaches English as a second language at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. He is also coordinating a series of ongoing...








